Last update: 9-3-2012
Preliminary programme
The preliminary schedule and the preliminary programme of the 25th PECSRL ...
Early Bird Registration
Registration for PECSRL 2012 is now possible. It is recommended to register ...
Extended deadline
The extended deadline for submission of abstracts of papers and posters is ...
The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape
25th session - 20-24 August, 2012
Leeuwarden & Terschelling, The Netherlands
Organized by:
Reflection on landscape change:
the European perspective
the European perspective
25th session - 20-24 August, 2012
Leeuwarden & Terschelling, The Netherlands
Organized by:
The 25th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference will be held on 20-24 August 2012. As usual the conference is held at two locations: in the town Leeuwarden and on the island Terschelling, both in the northern part of The Netherlands. The congress will be organized by the Fryske Akademy (Frisian Academy) in co-operation with the Waddenacademie for the PECSRL network. The conference is planned for a maximum of 200 attendants.
Besides paper sessions, a poster presentation, workshops and general meetings there is one full day of field trips to provide the PECSRL-participants with a detailed knowledge of the rural landscapes in the host country. The conference offers ample facilities for meeting colleagues from all parts of Europe, for getting informed about various aspects of European landscape research and for initiating new projects.
The conference brings together geographers, ecologists, social scientists, landscape architects, historians, archaeologists, landscape managers and planners, as well as other scholars and practitioners interested in European landscapes.
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