I saw this image and loved it - it was taken by Aerial Cam, who I have worked with before. They turn up with a landrover, with a telescopic pole mounted camera and take very good oblique aerial photos (altho' they do a lot more than that, to see the full list click on http://www.aerial-cam.co.uk/). I just think that this single image tells a tale about the physical setting of the monument in rolling hills, and also the prevalence of oilseed rape and the contrast of the green grass of the monument... The Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire, the English Midlands (border with Warwickshire). Archaeologist George Lambrick investigated these in the 1980s, he has subsequently advised the (Irish) Heritage Council on Historic Landscape Characterisation and multi-disciplinary professional development, which I contributed the delivering.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/oxford/features/360/rollright_stones.shtml Panorama
http://www.bbc.co.uk/oxford/features/360/rollright_stones.shtml Panorama
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