Further to my earlier post on the festivals of matchwomen and women chainmakers festival
Wilton's Music Hall (well worth visiting on its own account) and walking tours have joined in celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Matchmakers Trades Union Strike
The Matchgirls
Wednesday 3rd - Friday 5th July, 7:30pm, matinees 1pm, full price £12, concession £10, under 16s £6
125 years ago this July in Bow, East London, a group of ordinary women did the extraordinary and walked out of the Bryant & May match factory, changing British history forever. Frighteningly relevant and perfectly placed at Wilton's Music Hall, which lies streets away from the site of the original strike, this 60s West End hit is given new life with a cast of professional and East End community actors.
A riotous and gritty play with stomping show tunes that captures the spirit and energy of these extraordinary women, this is the story of the Matchgirls as they take on one of the largest industrial forces of the era and sing through it against all the odds.
Wilton's Music Hall is proud to be supporting this important occasion by donating the theatre and all its services for free for this week. Come and celebrate this remarkable moment in history with us! Arranged and staged by award winning actor musician company Dumbwise, this production is co-produced by Unite the Union and Red Ladder Theatre Company as part of The Matchgirls Festival.
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Also as part of the The Matchgirls Festival
Walking Tours
2nd - 7th July, £10, click here to see start times and themesThese tours have been organised by Unite the Union, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Matchgirls Strike. Some of the best Blue Badge Tourist Guides serving the area will give you a great insight in to the history of the East End, exploring themes such asThe Changing Community from the 1800’s and The Labour Movement, Women's Rights, the Social Context of the Matchgirls,there will also be a tour on the Ripper murders. These tours will show you around local relevant landmarks and last approximately 2 hours.
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