Friday 24 May 2013

Sugar Bakers Lutherans Germans of Whitechapel (not Huguenots)

The Huguenots of Spitalfields have had a consistent lobby for many years championing the historic significance of that community and area. However the German community lived the other side of Whitechapel High Street, on the same side as St Mary's (the white chapel). Unlike the huguenot community, the German Catholic and Lutheran faith communities still operate churches, even though they have long dispersed throughout London and Beyond. The Germans played a particular role in "Sugar Baking" (making sugar). An exhibition and events at the Lutheran Church will highlight their role in local landscape character

For an interactive map with details of
Sugar Bakers families go to

The length of this map represents 0.8ml / 1.25km.  

St Georgs Kirche 18th-century Lutheran Church
see for location

Friday 19th July 6.00pm to 8.00pm    -Exhibition to mark the 250th  Anniversary of the opening of the church and of the history of the German community in East London.
Saturday 20th July Midday to 5pm     Exhibition Open. 
Monday 22nd July 6.30pm.  Tony Tucker will give a talk about The origins of the German sugar bakers in East London - tickets £5 on the door

St Boniface German Catholic church (the original was bombed by Hitler)_

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have missed Tony Tucker's talk on the subject of German Sugarbakers.
    Would like to establish contact.

    Tony Wetjen
